Saturday, 9 February 2013

Long & Winding Road

So, a few weeks after the visit to the Quay's the group came back together and assembled at Allerton Studios for a Pathway chat with Tash [3rd year leader], Jo [2nd year leader], Gary [MINT]*. In a separate studio Robert met with the artist to explain the specifics of his pathway.

All gathered into the common room for a digital presentation Tash/Jo/Gary explained the intricacies of their years and the technical aspect of the MINT option.
As always it was engaging, the students' quizzing the lecturers [although not as much as they should have]  probed to get a better feel for the requirements and had the chance to look around the studios. It really must have worked as all 16 of FD2  - albeit at the last bl**dy minute needed references for their UCAS applications!
Next step . . . the interviews
*MINT : Motion and Interactivity

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