Under their own steam and with the first year lads forgetting to get off at Salford Central - too busy playing Angry-Birds (ed: how old are you?) and starting their adventure from Victoria FD1 headed to the Manchester Gallery to view The First Cut. If anyone has championed this type of artwork it has to be Rob Ryan . . . although he wasn't the first.
Starting slowly on the ground floor - it wasn't until the top gallery was reached that the real quality and breath-taking examples could be viewed. As MA said in it's promo . . . "Wonder at giant sculptures inspired by far away galaxies that spiral from the wall, explore a walk-through forest of paper trees and marvel at miniature worlds that explode from vintage staple boxes or emerge from the page of a book . . .

Once the viewing was done . . . with rumbling-tums, some more than others, off down the road to the Market. Crépes, Coffee liquors, Frankfurters, Hot-Pot, Pork Roasts, Strudels, Mulled Wine . . . CHIPS!
It is hoped that FD1 have noted their adventure in their Activity Log.
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