Having experienced the bun-fight that is getting on a Virgin train at Wigan, the group assembled outside Parsons Walk for an 8.30am departure to Manchester Piccadilly. It did appear that we'd employed the coach driver from the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour as we travelled in ever decreasing circles until arriving an hour later outside the station.
On the 10.35 to London Euston - no panic, no one in our seats . . . joined by a couple of vaguely interested lecturers from the University of Salford who shared the carriage if not a conversation.
A gallop down Woburn Place to our usual haunt of the Royal National, rooms ready for a change and at 2.00pm time to head off for the first appointment. We had intended to travel to Tower Hill for the usual group shot with the Tower of London as our backdrop . . . but at Monument tube station we had to go above ground due to a service distruption . . . as we emerged to walk across London Bridge we clapped eyes on The Shard . . . wow!! [http://the-shard.com]
Down onto the South Bank, past HMS Belfast, Tower Bridge, along Shad Thames until catching a glimpse of the Design Museum [www.designmuseum.org]. Smile please outside the Museum and then it's time to head in. Two major exhibitions - 'Unexpected Pleasures' jewellery made from very unusual things and 'Extraordinary Stories' designs that have affected our lives.
For the Editor and Sub Editor just to wander around and draw, to feast their eyes on the exhibits, to see design in all manner of guises was a treat - for the students the attention span is a little less. Perhaps not the strongest of exhibitions but hey . . . it's the DM and next time we visit it may well have moved to it's new home in Kensington.
For the majority ten pin bowling under the hotel was the order of the evening - for the 'Editors' it was into a restaurant in Hays Galleria then a walk down the South Bank to the Millennium Bridge and back to base!
Tuesday 26 February 2013
On many trips away from the studio the itinerary for both staff and students are at such a high intensity that it takes it toll - the Editors feet still haven't recovered from Paris 2012! Even though in the past groups had visited Madame Tussaud and the London Dungeons - not to mention a disappointing walk around the East End in the footsteps of Jack the Ripper . . . a decision was taken, as many of the group hadn't visited London before to allow time to discover the Capital.
By 10am the V&A [http://www.vam.ac.uk] had been entered, by early afternoon the massive halls of the Natural History Museum [http://www.nhm.ac.uk] had been trod. Students headed north, south, east, west taking in the London Eye, Parliament, The London Aquarium, the Shard - although on a cloudy day maybe not the best decision, Covent Garden, Leicester Square, Lizzy's pad, Oxford Street and Hamleys!
Within a hop-skip-and-a-jump leaving South Kensington tube the two amazing museums just devour your attentions.
The journey up the Shard was quite something - and at speed, the Eye and its pods isn't in the least frightening and provides a wonderful experience although giant turtles are a decent substitute for those scared of heights, pulling silly faces with Bobbies outside of Parliament. The only commitment to the day was that everyone should meet at ground level outside Old Street tube at 4pm for the evening appointment at Creature and Stuart Outhwaite [http://creaturelondon.com].
It just so happened that Tuesday was the Editor's birthday and as the group stood outside Creature's office in Curtain Road, Betty from FD1 presented our archaic 'Boss' with a weighty volume - the 50th anniversary of the D&AD annual and a brilliant 'Rob Ryan' like card - paid for by the group. What a wonderful surprise. As soon as the clock struck 5.00pm it was up the stairs to me up with Stu . . . and as always he didn't disappoint. On the last visit the offices were far from finished - it looks more like home now. Ed Warren was wandering around heading for a black-tie evening but Stu played the agency show reel, told tales of Snoop 'Lion' and his Adidas shoot, the up and coming presentation to Lord Sugar and more besides. One of the funniest moments was when Stu was talking about personality and body language. He suggested that he could tell those who would make the business and who wouldn't by the way they sat in a chair - well the whole group shuffled uncomfortably in their seats!!! Did you know Creature keep bees? Yeap on the roof . . . and the honey . . . they are boxed up and given as gifts - "amazing stuff".
Wednesday 27 February 2013
'Greasy breakfast' some pale faces but at 9.15am in the foyer the group set off for their fullest day of the week. Out of the tube at St Paul's, around the Cathedral and across the Millennium Bridge and the silly noise that your feet make as you shuffle over heading for Tate Modern [http://www.tate.org.uk].
Although disappointing not to be a signature exhibition in the Turbine Hall the Tate Modern is still 'mega'!! The group had been given the choice of Lichtenstein, A Retrospective or A Bigger Splash exhibitions - both of which had a fee to enter. Those that chose the former got a better deal. What an amazing exhibition and everyone agreed that 'Roy' was a far better artist than he's been given credit for - highly recommended! A Bigger Splash - hmmm . . . bad decision!! The group headed out of Tate Modern at 2.15pm heading back over the Thames to St Paul's tube to head to Covent Garden and an appointment with BMB [http://www.bmbagency.com].
Actually, saying a visit to BMB doesn't do the next four hours of the London trip justice! The group arrived outside of 16 Shorts Garden in good time. With a bouquet and a can of Uncle Joe's in hand the polished brass buzzer was pressed and the group was in. The Editor wandered into the main office to be greeted by his good friend, recipient of the bouquet and LEGEND . . . Antoinette de Lisser, Trevor Beattie's PA - although that doesn't tell anything like the full story either.
The group was guided up another flight of stairs to the BMB boardroom to be greeted by a brilliant buffet, bottles (many bottles) of Cobra beer (one of BMB's clients) and wonderful rosé wine. Wow and double WOW!!! Then the star of the show followed by 'Ant' bounded into the room - captivating! For an hour Trevor talked about the work his company does, how they work, how important 'personality' actually is and how much he enjoys his meetings with WSA. He played a video of the launch of Virgin Money which involved a huge projection onto a building that the 'Editors' had walk past just the evening before . . . the University of London. Trevor talked about his lunch with Buzz Aldrin - the second man to walk on the moon and the Virgin Galactic which he has already bought a ticket for the maiden flight into space in the next year or so.
The fun had only just begun as Trevor and Ant invited everyone down to the Crown at Seven Dials. With tab behind the bar the whole group, which eventually also included Stephen Holmes from BloodyBigSpider, was treated and spent the next 90 minutes or so in conversation with Trevor and Antoinette . . . a treat for the group and it would appear from texts that followed, an evening that both hosts enjoyed - to quote Ant "Trevor was stoked". FD will always be in their debt . . . as Trevor picked up the tab . . . mega star. Although BMB didn't create the Master Card campaign - the evening in Covent Garden with two absolutely fabulous people was 'PRICELESS'.
Thursday 28 February 2013
The morning belonged to the students - some of whom may have had a hour or two more in bed - but once up they headed off to the Science Museum [http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk], some headed to the Natural History Museum, Tate Britain, Harrods, Regent Street, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square now 'old-hands' at travelling on the tube and finding their own way around.
One of the biggest finds over the last few years for FD was the agency Adam & Eve. Our last visit was to their Covent Garden home . . . but a little while back something major happened (see FD Blog older posts "Garden of Eden") The huge agency DDB were struggling for 'creatives' so they bought a ready made solution!!! So lock, stock and barrel, Adam and Eve became Adam&EveDDB [http://www.adamandeveddb.com] and moved into a new home in Paddington. The Editor had been in contact with Mat Goff from A&E and an old friend from the days of McCann Erickson, Harriet Jones had moved across too.
Then disappointment, a text from Harriet on the morning of the visit alerted the Editor to a skiing accident - but no panic. Into the breach came Sarah Collinson, an account executive who took the group through the show reel and explained a little about the 'new' company. She played Fosters 'Good Call' and John Lewis adverts . . . and then introduced two of the creatives responsible for some of the agencies best work, Aidan McClure (on the left below) and Laurent Simon.
It was fascinating to hear their thoughts on the design process - the relationship they have in creating award winning solutions and their love of the business. We were then granted the opportunity to wander around the several floors of A&EDDB, taken on the tour by Kate Wallace and the group was as equally fascinating to the 'inmates' as they were to the group. Following the tour, the Editor popped back to Aidan and Laurent to hand over two cans of Uncle Joe's Mint Balls and to chat informally with the guys about the way they work and education. They were shocked when they realise how expensive university had become. Most pleasing from the Editor's point of view . . . both were drawing ideas and creating visual . . . the art never dies!
The final part of Thursday had the Editors attending a TypoCircle event at JWThompson in Knightsbridge - Andy Altmann from Why Not Associates presented the Comedy Carpet located on the front adjacent to Blackpool Tower, old jokes from comedians who had played the Piers and Theatres - made entirely from type. The Editor will give it 5/10. Some of FD1 girls went to Singing in the Rain at the Palace Theatre - a fantastic experience. And . . . once again the lads went bowling!
Friday 1 March 2013
Time to go home. Cases packed and in the 'left-luggage' in the hotel - a jaunt into Covent Garden for some present buying and at 12.30 everyone arrived at Euston only to find that there had been a problem with overhead cables near Rugby and some trains were cancelled. The group didn't know at the time - but their train was actually one of them. As soon as the platform was announced all hell broke loose as everyone dashed down platform 8 for the train.
There were one or two 'moments' in the carriage with four people insisting we were in their seats . . . the group put them right "take your hands off me madam!!". The dust settled and two hours later everyone arrived back in Wigan.
A brilliant trip - one which had brought both groups together, the balance of down-time and five appointments provided one of the best trips ever. Major thanks to Stuart Outhwaite, Trevor Beattie and Antoinette de Lisser, Stephen Holmes, Sarah Collinson, Aidan McClure, Laurent Simon, Kate Wallace, Design Museum, Tate Modern . . . and London. We all had a brill time.
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