So by the start on the second year FDGreen had lost Billy, Carl (a very talented lad), Sophie D (a very talented lady) and Niall who I'm sure would laugh at a funeral - mad as a hatter!
On show night only eight of the original number remained, Nik just disappeared on us and Chantelle had jetted off to Swansea to live . . . although we suspect she's back.
This year - directed by Janine, the group picked the theme which ran through their End of Year Book, and through the bunting that guided visitors to their show - very strong, very graphic, very clean.
Before the show the room had to be rearranged, the boards painted and the work mounted - always a bit of a lark. Manic as ever, not as last minute as some . . . but fun had by everyone.
The finished exhibition was excellent, real diversity in the work presented . . . but that comes later. The Thursday after the show, seven of the group, Adam couldn't make it, the editor, the sub editor and the 'Principal in Waiting', along with a couple of FDPurple started with a beer . . .
. . . went on to Franco's bottom end of town and celebrated the end for six of them four years at Wigan School for the Arts and one just two years.
So to the exhibition . . . in no particular order, but starting from the first on display, Sophie Gallagher. Sophie had a very good industrial placement in Manchester - the designs for the NHS were part of her Client Brief. Sophie is currently taking her portfolio around and recently had her first post-college interview . . . how did it go Sophie?
. . . followed by Jack Ramsden - quite possibly the best Subway 'artist' . . . I think that's what they call those who make the sandwich for you. Jack's placement in Manchester provided an insight into the industry and provided the 'cans' brief. Initially heading to a single year at the University of Salford Jack has decided instead to find his way into the design business.
Next up Janine Wilcock who through her time on National Diploma and then onto Foundation Degree has probably put more effort into her studies than anyone. She took control of the Final show imagery and produced a funny Confessional video featuring the editor who fell over while jumping into a box!!! Janine has secure a single final top-up year at the University of Salford studying Graphic Communication. Evidence of her self-determination was to spend a total of five weeks placement in industry - three in a Manchester design consultancy and two in a Liverpool advertising company - and the placement helped enormously in making up her mind as to the correct course of study to follow.
The next exhibited work is from Adam Dyson - who has a passion for wildlife and photography. He also has a love of the short stories, tales and poems of Edgar Allan Poe. He produced a very though provoking new identity for the Art School, one that certainly would have had us in trouble with the goody-two-shoes establishment. His final major project was to write and design a book of his loves and his images and have Blurb publish in a hardback version. Some brilliant images captured forever.
James He created several very interesting final pieces - often at the last minute, often without much discussion - but his developing area of 'expertise' was computer illustration. His FMP was a different approach to publicising a Box-Office fight between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao. He created a direct marketing industry 'vehicle' which started life as socks. The editor did have concerns but by the time James had expertly sewn all the different patterns together and called it 'Jingy' (one of his middle names) he actually had a very acceptable solution . . . . you can see Jingy middle right of the display below.
Three years ago no one would have given you any odds on the next designer ever doing anything with his design life. Having returned to college after the summer all of his marker pens, costing a considerable amount of money had disappeared. He went on a downward spiral and left the start of his second year National Diploma course. To his credit Rob Blair - who the editor calls 'Bertie' - returned the following year having got his head sorted out and from that day on his flame has burnt increasing brightly. Rob like all aspiring designers often hits a creative block. When he does he comes and talks his thoughts through with staff. Rob's biggest quality is that he listens.
He has won several of the 'live' briefs the commercial world brings into FD. He has developed working relationships understanding the specific requirements of the clients needs. He has created some of the strongest typography the editor has seen from a student . . . if we could only get him to deliver all his work on time!!!
The penultimate student and serial 'pitch' winner Leanne Allen. Her design won the End of Year Show pitch at the end of year one and her identity won the RedFolio pitch . . . and Leanne is still in contact with her latest conquest who are looking for more support. A love of watercolours has provided several design themes - her WSA identity poster all hand lettered and painted was exceptional. Although a finished project with merit, industry contact didn't go as smoothly as hoped and that has been a lesson learnt. Carrying her portfolio, Leanne is heading for industry.
Last, but by no means least Ryan Speakman - a law unto himself! Conventional Ryan isn't - but when in the zone the anger and the power in his illustrations are wonderful. Then, just when you expect his head to explode . . . he goes off doing pastel-based watercolour landscapes. The author of a very colourful appraisal of himself in his industry vehicle - but everything that comes out of Ryan comes from the heart! His Dorian Gray FMP published book contained great illustrations, great photographs and unusual for the 'Gray-era' sneaking into the background . . . a Pot Noodle!
Another year draws to a close - plenty of laughter, plenty of 'telling-offs', trips to London and Paris enjoyed and remembered fondly, many experiences realised for the first time - sleepless nights and pressurized days. Presentations to the group, presentation to industry, phone calls to placement . . . and the glow of success. Nothing comes easy and there is still so much more to learn - the best place to do that isn't in a classroom . . . it's in the business. All the FD Team wish the group every success.
The Final Act . . . Passing-Out. Chantelle, Sophie, Leanne, Jack and Janine stand proudly with their Degrees.
Fantastic! Thanks for everything Dave! X