Monday, 11 February 2013


Return of the Ex . . . 
Matt Page a visitor to the FD shores since he set sail to the MINT course at Salford popped back into the studio to discuss with initially a few and then ALL FD2 about the pathway he has selected. It's a huge benefit for the class and the course to have ex-students like Matt, Janine, Emma Szoztok and Jordan Coombes all of whom have gone onto Salford come and give a student-eyed view of life at the University. Matt passed on a number of links for the group to see what he's been up to.

16 into 1 does go . . .
For the first time since FD started in 2009 ALL of FD2 want to progress to the University to complete their BA Hons. Whether all can achieve the goal of a single year has yet to be resolved - the interviews start in the first week of March!

It's almost time for the London trip again. 25 of the group along with the editor and sub-editor set off to the capital for the every-other-year pilgrimage to the world of the advertising agencies and the usual museums. On the agenda is the Design Museum, Creature, Tate Modern, BMB and Adam & EveDDB and in between times the students are hoping to get to the Natural History Museum and The Shard. Watch the Blog for a report on the five day frolic!!

Genius or W**ker?
In late March a group of students and the editor are heading to Manchester and a D&AD event  . . . with guest speaker Neville Brody - it should be quite a night out!!!!
Well, we don't know what happened but from a meeting with God suddenly students and editor are faced with 'The Digital Revolution Revisted'?!! While in London one eminent practioner did suggest that the D&AD had lost their way - it's a huge disappointment for all involved - a query has been aimed at the organisation to find out why. 

Studio Days

The editor normally grabs a few studio snaps before heading towards the annual St John Rigby 6th Form College presentation to promote FD. Trying to capture the atmosphere and the ambiance of 201 can be difficult - so images, in which no student was harmed, 'kind-of' starts the ball rolling.
First years busy discussing their work with the sub-editor, the second years debating current affairs in the newspaper review which is an extension of year one soapbox where they are expected to get up in front of their peers and give their opinion.
With the imminent presentation to Tony Lythgoe in mid December weighing heavily [believe it or not] on their minds, continue to work through their group Design & Production module where in selecting their future pathway's a Graphic Communicator/Web designer/Illustrator join forces to rebrand a company. See 'BRANDED' [a post yet come further up the page] for images of the groups work.

First Cut is the Deepest?

As Christmas approached and with the European Market in full 'gas' in the middle of Manchester, it was time for the group to enjoy the festive period.

Under their own steam and with the first year lads forgetting to get off at Salford Central - too busy playing Angry-Birds (ed: how old are you?) and starting their adventure from Victoria FD1 headed to the Manchester Gallery to view The First Cut. If anyone has championed this type of artwork it has to be Rob Ryan . . . although he wasn't the first.
Starting slowly on the ground floor - it wasn't until the top gallery was reached that the real quality and breath-taking examples could be viewed. As MA said in it's promo . . . "Wonder at giant sculptures inspired by far away galaxies that spiral from the wall, explore a walk-through forest of paper trees and marvel at miniature worlds that explode from vintage staple boxes or emerge from the page of a book . . .
flocks of birds and butterflies cut from maps appear alongside artworks that feature dark fairytale imagery. Guns and grenades fashioned from paper currency and sinister silhouettes comment on social, political and economic issues." 

Once the viewing was done . . . with rumbling-tums, some more than others, off down the road to the Market. Crépes, Coffee liquors, Frankfurters, Hot-Pot, Pork Roasts, Strudels, Mulled Wine . . . CHIPS!
It is hoped that FD1 have noted their adventure in their Activity Log.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Teaching? It's easy!!!

During his twenty odd years in the design industry, the Editor was very aware of the old and often quoted adage of "those who can do . . . those that can't teach!" Not for one minute did he ever think he'd need to defend the noble art. Anyone not involved in education bang on about the holiday's, the short working hours, no pressure, sitting in staff rooms drinking tea and long lunches.

Although determined never to 'study' again having left college in the late 70's and receiving the best education at the 'coal-face', returning to the class room was both a 'U-turn' and a shock to his system.

Running a company billing over £1m for several years, having on occasions arrived at the office almost sick with worry as to whether a job would get delivered on time or a client would go with the ideas the company had dedicated so many hours to . . . did nothing to prepare him for the shock of education!!
Longer hours, paperwork that must strip the earth of forests, being a social worker, carrying responsibilities beyond those a graphic designer would ever consider in their domain, never being able to figure out why students who say they want to be designers then spend all their time doing everything they can to disprove this theory . . . and sitting at a computer writing feedback into the wee-small hours!

And just to prove what the 'pack-horse' has to carry home, and not do what others do assess during sessions, a 'fly-on-the-wall' look at a often repeated view of his kitchen and lounge!
A word of advice passed on to all those under his charge . . . never go into teaching!!!

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Long & Winding Road

So, a few weeks after the visit to the Quay's the group came back together and assembled at Allerton Studios for a Pathway chat with Tash [3rd year leader], Jo [2nd year leader], Gary [MINT]*. In a separate studio Robert met with the artist to explain the specifics of his pathway.

All gathered into the common room for a digital presentation Tash/Jo/Gary explained the intricacies of their years and the technical aspect of the MINT option.
As always it was engaging, the students' quizzing the lecturers [although not as much as they should have]  probed to get a better feel for the requirements and had the chance to look around the studios. It really must have worked as all 16 of FD2  - albeit at the last bl**dy minute needed references for their UCAS applications!
Next step . . . the interviews
*MINT : Motion and Interactivity

Salford Key?

During October FD travelled over to the University of Salford twice. On the first occasion while the first years were in the Allerton library with Agent Paton, the editor - via a taxi race from Salford Crescent along with the second years ventured down to Salford Quay's and the University's annex to watch a presentation by Year 2 BA Students to a Manchester Moss Side community incentive named Carisma.

Posh surroundings, a proper lecturer theatre, big screen [only missing the popcorn] and all on the back row, FD2 watched as forty-odd students went through their paces directed by Tash and Jo, lecturers at the University's Allerton Studios on the BA graphics course.
Some impressive work - put as the group confirmed, nothing they couldn't match! Love their attitude!! They'll have the opportunity very soon to prove it as all of the group are applying to the BA Top-Up.


It must be 3 years ago since Andy Golpys first walked into the FD studio. On that occasion he had come to see Darryl Monks who was looking for placement with Andy's company MadebyShape. Before that could happen 'Daz' has applied for a job even though he'd not completed his second years study and didn't have the experience JD Sports were looking for in their website department.

But you guessed it - they loved his enthusiasm, his skill, his desire and they employed him!!! Although the editor and Andy had regular email contact - like ships in the night . . . .
Then at the beginning of October 2012 Andy made a return visit to talk about a career in web design, placement . . . and his time lecturing at our affiliated university, so those going on to Salford would be making his association once more.

The group had to admire Andy's desire and drive in someone just 26 years old - a lesson to each one of them. Contact from FD2 has been made.