Monday, 25 November 2013

'Mates' done well!

In February [see tab London 2013], FD Graphics made a return trip to Adam & Eve having caught up with them at their previous home in Covent Garden. With a new business partner [DDB] and a new home in Paddington and looking every inch a proper 'Empire' the group on their last stage of their creative week away arrived at the Agency's new front door.

Provided by Katie and Sarah the group had the chance to meet and chat with a couple of Adam&EveDDB creatives Aidan [left] and Laurent. Later on the tour the editor had the chance to stop by their 'desks' to hand over cans of Uncle Joe's Mint Balls and chat about the way the lads go about their work. Great fun.

Their latest [published] work - and becoming iconic at this time of the year - the John Lewis Christmas advert, follows on from the snowmen last year and the expectant child the year before. Featured in Campaign Creative Fix the guys explain how they went about the creative process and all the off-shoots a campaign like this 'demands' - the number one download on iTunes for Lily Allen, a full interactive book, a Christmas card maker, twitter accounts for the bear and the hare and a projection  on the South Bank.
Not many Universities, never mind a college from Wigan, get the opportunity to meet and pick the brains of such renowned creatives . . . and it's an enormous thrill to see Aidan's and Laurent's work again making such an impact.

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