Saturday, 26 November 2011

Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder

Funny isn't it how we like different things.

The editor suggested to both Years they should consider making their way to Liverpool, to the Walker Gallery, to cast their eyes on the Sir Peter Blake exhibition 'An Alphabet'.

A previous exhibition of his work in Tate Liverpool had been a fantastic success . . . his artwork for the Beatles Sgt. Pepper's album cover was one of the highlights.

A few weeks ago three students from FD1 visited the Walker to feast their eyes on the 26 silk screen prints.  One of the group, Emma Crook, said it was the best thing she had seen.

But no sooner had that endorsement been emailed around the group than two other students who travelled to Liverpool to view the work took the wind out of 'Pete's' sails . . . they thought it was 'pants'!

It wouldn't do to all be the same. The exhibition closes on 4 December.

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